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From Four Different Corners Of Africa, Four Bold New Albums

Tuareg blues and griot guitar meet virtuoso percussion on <em>Zoy Zoy</em>, the latest album from the Niger band Tal National.
Courtesy of the artist
Tuareg blues and griot guitar meet virtuoso percussion on Zoy Zoy, the latest album from the Niger band Tal National.

World-music DJ Betto Arcos is back — this time, with music he's found all over the African continent. The host of Global Village on KPFK in Los Angeles recently joined NPR's Arun Rath to discuss new albums from four different corners of Africa, including soulful songs from a prison in Malawi, dance music from Congo and a collaboration between a Malian singer and a Cuban pianist. Hear their conversation at the audio link, and check out the music below.

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Hear The Music

Mbongwana Star


From 'From Kinshasa'

Ben Masekese (Zomba Prison Project)

"A Message (I Will Take You)"

From 'I Have No Everything Here'

Tal National


From 'Zoy Zoy'

Fatoumata Diawara & Roberto Fonseca


From 'At Home: Live in Marciac'

NPR Staff