Pittsburgh rock and roll band Jack Swing have big plans for 2025 and they’re already cooking with the brand-new album “Like Water.” Their song “Meteorite” is all about fighting darkness to make something beautiful.
Isaiah Ross recently spoke with WYEP's Joey Spehar.
What’s your musical history up to this point?
I started performing live when I was 13 years old. I began learning instruments seriously around 15 and started my first bands immediately. After working with many projects, Rowdy and I started Jack Swing officially in 2016 in efforts to culminate everything we had learned until that point into one project that I felt was honest to us. We have all played in many projects over the years but for Rowdy and I it is definitely our passion project.
How do you describe your sound?
The Jack Swing sound definitely tends to be all over the place. Instead of limiting ourselves to a specific genre we limit ourselves to a standard of excellence. Freeing ourselves to explore any “type” of song we want and the common denominator being the care we take when crafting the song. I think the best way to describe our sound across the board is honest, energetic and introspective music based on rock and roll, soul, and funk.
Tell us more about the song "Meteorite." What inspired you to write it and what does it mean to you?
“Meteorite” is one of my favorite songs on the album. There were a lot of different vibes and intentions I was trying to achieve with this song. Mainly I was attempting to start the song from a place of darkness where during the song it builds up towards a righteous and euphoric ending. Think Queens of the Stone Age meets “Bold as Love.” To me it represents the feeling of fighting through your personal darkness to shift that energy into something beautiful, while leaning on your friends along the way.

What was the first album that really changed your life?
My first favorite album was "Pinkerton" by Weezer. Since I didn’t grow up in a household where rock music was super prevalent, I had to find it on my own. My best friend in fifth grade showed me that album and I remember that moment like yesterday. Something about it still deeply resonates with me to this day. I think it was the first time I heard vulnerable lyrics in front of distorted guitars. Definitely shaped a big part of how I experience music. Now the first time I heard the first Led Zeppelin album is equally important, just a little more down the line.
Who are some other Pittsburgh artists you think more people should listen to?
There’s tons of good music in Pittsburgh. Some of my favorites are Sleeping Witch and Saturn, Merce Lemon, Wyborn, Silver Car Crash, Blinder, and Justin Bennett and the Debtors
Any other super interesting things about you we should know?
We have a lot planned for this year. As you know we just released our debut album this past month. After that release we have six singles that we’re going to be rolling out between now and summer and ideally, we will find a way to put out another album before the end of the year. We currently have a lot up our sleeves.
Jack Swing are:
Isaiah Ross (Guitar/Bass/Vox)
Rowdy Kanarek; (Bass/Guitar/Vox)
Isaiah Small: (Keys)
Alex Nelson: (Drums)